

The Kiosk Solution by Acelink Making Ideal Technological Smart Cities Come True


The Kiosk Solution by Acelink, Making Ideal Technological Smart Cities Come True

Acelink provides a glimpse of a smart city that is now made possible.

A Smart City is achieved mainly using big data and the integration of multiple high-tech IoT devices. The Smart City can be divided into 6 sectors: Smart Environment, Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart People, Smart Government and Smart Economy. Using IoT, A.I. and Cloud to improve city’s traffic, water system, power grid and other systems. In addition, cities can also expect reduced waste and pollution, faster service applications for improved convenience, intelligent government services and other smart living features.
According to the U.N., two third of the world population will be living in cities by 2050. In another word, cities will be heavily congested and additional issues will arise as a result, making the creation of a Smart City a top priority.
Acelink takes the opportunity of this trend by creating a Smart City with its years of professional experiences, expertise in multiple different fields, and the development of leading communication technologies and integration systems, to further create a robust and effective Smart City. Acelink gains the upper hand by having these advantages and extensive knowledge, in order to create not just a Smart City but also a secure private environment with the TSC Cloud management system over secure cloud, AIoT and high performing multimedia systems.
The intuitive KIOSK by Acelink is used as a part of the Smart City development, with an array of features are expected such as: High Speed outdoor 5G-NR CPE WiFi Hotspot Access, Air Quality Monitoring and PM2.5 data reading, Cloud Network Management with Cloud NMS to manage multiple KIOSKs, and A.I. Video Analytics for the likes of traffic monitoring and people detection. All these functions are easily managed with real-time monitoring and alert system that keeps everything running smoothly and cost effectively.

KIOSK Successful Case in Taipei City

For more information on the Acelink Smart City KIOSK Solution, please contact us.